Friday, May 2, 2008

To Be Human

What does it mean to be human?
Humans and animals are in different parts of the food chain for a specific reason. But that particular question has many answers and many opinions, some of which others might not agree with but then again others will be completely enthusiastic about their answers. My answer for this particular question is life sucks no matter what you do because no matter how much you try to place man in to categories we will never belong to any specific category because we are our own category. Now some might say that man is the top of the food chain but others might say that man is a disgusting infestation of beasts. Personally I think we are just more determined to live then other mammals/animals because we have this need to survive. Now survival is the #1 most important thing to any living organism and most people underestimate mans need for survival. Survival is everything but the point is what we are willing to sacrifice to survive. In the end it all boils down to Survival of the Fittest.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol to be a human how funny.

by brent j