Friday, May 2, 2008


To be human, to me, means to be imperfect, progressive, active, thoughtful, and to be wondrous. I believe we as humans think, focus, progress, and learn sometimes easily, and sometimes very hard. To this day I have thought how we have no limits in life; our limits are only the limits we make. I watch daily how other human beings besides me, and always wonder if they are thinking the same way I am. Now I know that we all have the same or close to the same foundation of understanding, but we think differently based on experiences and influences in life. To love, to cry, to feel, to see, to communicate verbally, to touch, to sing, are all part of being human. We also as human have basic needs which are eating, sleeping, shelter, clothes, communicating, and exercising.

Inhuman to my basic understanding is the total opposite. Which is sort of like the term “robotic motions”, because robots are commanded, and do things because they have to. Also robots don’t feel or love, they don’t cry. They see but they don’t see, they touch, but they don’t feel. They are the Black widows that live lonely lives hidden beneath their webs.

Being human is very difficult because we know that we are good but there is still evil in us. Being human is hard because the emotions that hence forth in the dropdowns of our lives bring stress, bring hatred, but at the end it brings progression. Due to these facts we are lucky to be humans.



Anonymous said...

thats good mann


Anonymous said...

thats good man keep it up...


Anonymous said...

hey that was a little diferent but it was good


Anonymous said...

great job!!!!!