Friday, May 2, 2008



To be human means you have the opportunity to live life to the fullest. You have many options to choose from every single day. If you are inhuman, it means to have no feelings, to not care about anything you do, or to be an animal. It would be difficult to be a human just to live each day and face the troubles and drama of life.



Anonymous said...

hey rachel how goes it are you mad at me or dislike me?

Anonymous said...

that is really good how you discribed both of the reasons.


Anonymous said...

i liked it a lot


Anonymous said...

good answer...... i just wish we the people would or could live with out the drama some times you know.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with cas on this one, i could so live without this much drama or stress! This is way true girl, would you rather be inhuman or human? I don't know how to deal with life, i only take it as it goes. Have fun, live life, be free! Your a great person!